Amazingstakes Faq

If you have questions on how to be a member / how to subscribe / on benefits and winning rate and more.

Answer -Yes! We are completely transparent about our predictions. We uses state of the art machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to perform football game predictions. We update our past tips instantly after the match. Look at our past tips, analyze it however you want and make sure they do not come from random distribution.

Answer - You can become a member simply by registering for free. Register Here

Answer - No you can’t! Amazingstakes is a soccer prediction site and not a betting site.

Answer - We have expert tips posted on the site daily. You also have access to the free categories on the site.

Answer - No we don't! We have soccer prediction software’s and Gurus which gives us the best tips.

Answer - We score over 90% you can see by yourself that we have been winning in most times from the website.

Answer - Yes! your payment is secure. And we also use Paypal, which acts as a trusted third party.

Answer - By making payment. You can make payments using any of the option Here

Answer - Immediately after sign up, you will have access to the tips of the day as soon as they have been posted. Please note that not all of our tips are send via email.

Answer - The information transmitted is intended only for the persons or entity above the age of 18. Amazingstakes do not refund money paid for subscription and not liable to any money lost or gained. Countries that betting is not legal should not subscribe to our plans.

If you have not found the answer to your question, please contact our support through the contact form on AMAZINGSTAKES site - you will receive an answer very quickly.

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Little About Us

Amazingstakes prediction is confined to all comers, thou a few of the forecasts are open for bettors who are looking for without charge soccer forecasts. As one of the most excellent prediction sites, Amazingstakes is pleased to say we are the finest, so beyond any doubt of our soccer predictions that we charge a charge for it. We centered on low chances such as Sure 2, Sure 3, 5 and 10 odds.If there was an grant for soccer forecast site, we would be granted the leading football prediction site of the year due to our high hit rate when compared to other football forecast sites. We are known as the exact forecast site.